“Modern Economy Success“ use native Russian-language plagiarism detection software Antiplagiat to screen the submissions. If plagiarism is identified, the COPE guidelines on plagiarism will be followed.
About Duplicate Publication

- If part of the work that the author is going to submit to the journal is published or planned to be published in other journals, the author should give a detailed explanation about it in the cover letter. In this case consideration of the manuscript by the journal is possible if it is obvious that the main result, conclusion, or findings were not taken from another work or if, for example, the work has been published in another language.
- The author is responsible for obtaining permission from the previous publisher or copyright holder if the author duplicates the part of the article (e.g., drawings or numerals) published in another publication or article to which copyright is issued. The editors will consider all submissions suggesting that the authors have permission to publish every part of the submitted material including illustrations.
About Plagiarism

- Plagiarism is the use or close imitation of the language and ideas of another author and representation of the author’s earlier work as his own original one. Duplicate publication, sometimes called self-plagiarism, occurs when an author reuses substantial parts of his or her own published work without providing the appropriate references. This can be an identical paper published in multiple journals, where authors add new data to previous work.
- The plagiarism is obvious when large chunks of text are cut and pasted. Such manuscripts will not be considered for publication. But minor plagiarism without dishonest intent is relatively frequent, for example when an author reuses parts of an earlier article. The editors will make a decision in each case (according to their knowledge in the field and other literature or if the reviewers will pay attention to it) on the basis of their assessment.
Earlier Publications

- The following categories of materials published by the author before submitting an article to the journal are considered as earlier publication:
- articles published anywhere, even just in the on- line format, publications that have not been reviewed;
- articles, book chapters, and long abstracts containing original data in figures and tables, in particular, in the publication of materials of scientific events, as well as posters containing original data disseminated to the participants, for example, posted on web sites;
- widespread, copyrighted, or archival reports, such as technical reports.
- After the submission of manuscripts to journals authors should not send it or a revised version to the preprint server. However, if the manuscript is completely rejected by the journal or withdrawn from the editorial board, this restriction is removed.
Retraction of the Published Manuscript

Being guided by the recommendations of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE guidelines), edition is guided by the following policy for withdrawal (retraction) of publications.
Article responds (retracts) in a case:
- edition has accurate proofs of unauthenticity of the published information which has resulted or a conscious activity (for example, falsifications of data), or because of conscientious mistakes (for example, mistakes in calculations or experiments);
- the conclusions which are contained in article have been earlier published in other edition, and at the same time there are no appropriate references, permissions and justifications of need of the repeated publication (i.e. cases of the duplicating publication);
- in article large incorrect loans (plagiarism) are revealed;
- material of article describes unethical researches.
The purpose of a response (retraction) of the published article is:
Response is the mechanism of correction of the published information and notification of readers on the publications containing such serious shortcomings or wrong data which can’t be trusted. Unauthenticity of data can be result of conscientious delusion or conscious violations.
Responses are also used for a warning of readers of cases of the duplicating publications (that is when authors present the same data in several publications), plagiarism, and concealments of the important conflicts of interests which can influence interpretation of data or the recommendation of their use.
Main objective of responses is to correct the published information and to provide its integrity, but not to punish the authors who have made violations. Articles can be withdrawn them by the author (authors) or the editor of the journal.
In case of withdrawal (retraction) of article the fee received by the publishing house for publishing services from the author(s) doesn’t come back since work on their publication is completely done by the publishing house.
Dear authors! By the international rules of ethics scientific publications already published article can’t be completely removed from the journal website. Be more attentive sending articles for the publication!